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63 C10 Custom Frame 572 Build

Today we received our new custom frame from Scott's Hotrods for our 572 C10 build. It was spec'd to lay frame, and handle the 620 horsepower brute up front. To come:

Hillborn 8-stack fuel injection

Custom induction

Matching exhaust

22" Wheels

Metal work

Lots of custom CNC goodies

Follow allong below for build progress. Click Here for high-res photo gallery.

Here she is the day of aquisition:

New beautiful frame with donor wheels:

And how she sits now..

Some break down shots:

The new beautiful chassis with Ridetech shocks and Slam Specialties bags:

Frame being broken down for powder coat:

Details of the beautifyl Scott's frame and suspension:

We like how the rear bags, links and shocks have beed thoughtfully planned out to maximize articulation, and a comfortable ride. Putting the bags and links on the outside of the frame offers maximum resolution on the suspension.

Big Wilwoods up front.

We finally got the frame back from powdercoat, after waiting for the custom color to be sent to us. We were after a subtle and unique color that wouldn't hide the details of the beautiful frame and suspension, and still work with the color theme of the whole truck. It turned out to be a somewhat militant gray, which had a touch of green in it. We think it looks and came out great.

The black brakes really stand out against the gray frame.

Update 6/23/2015

We received the crate motor and began to mock up the powertrain. Now its time to slowly cover up this beautiful chassis..

572 mated up with the custom 765R4 trans from Bowtie Overdrives, about ready to drop into the new frame.

And a close up of the Eddie Motorsports serpentine drive. Fitment was precise, with no massaging needed, and came together quickly. We chose clear anodized over machined finish, and it is lovely. The photos don't show the depth and richness of the finish, which is the perfect amount of bling and subtlety. Not only did we chose this setup for its eye candy qualities, but also for its funcion: its one of the few kits avaialable (if any, for a big block Chevy) that integrates a proper tensioner.

A trial fit of the cab concludes that a bit of trimming is required. We new the tunnel would have to be englargened, but also had to clearance the cab bracing for the new frame. Not much of a concern, since the entire firewall will be shaved and massaged to taste.

Trans making its way into its new home.

SLAMMED! This C10 is low.. and this is at or above ride height. Pay no attention to the Buick wheels, we are still waiting for our custom 22" US-Mags to arrive, which will increase diameter by at least 4 inches. Either way, this truck was made to ride low..

Engine in its new, and much higher throne. Next, she is off to get sheet metal work, rust repair, and a few custom contours before we send her off to paint..

... to be continued.


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