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Expert Classic Car Service in Orange County: Six Tips to Keep Your Old-Timer in Its Prime

Maintenance Tips - Classic Car Service Orange County

A classic car takes a lot of time and maintenance to be kept in perfect form. While having a deeper wallet doesn’t hurt your case, the easiest way to keep your classic car in its prime is to follow a few simple steps. While the list of things you need to take care of is long, classic car service Orange County experts have narrowed it down to six most important things you need to pay attention to in order to keep your beauty in top shape.

Keep a roof over its head

While this rule is pretty obvious, we thought that mentioning it wouldn’t hurt. Nothing beats good storage to keep your classic car in perfect condition. Sun, rain and other weather conditions can damage your vehicle if you don’t shelter it from nature’s wrath. Be sure that your garage is secure and safe, so that you can store your classic car without having to worry about it. It won’t hurt if you cover the vehicle with a paint-friendly material.

Wash your car manually

While a lot of car wash companies advertise that they positively won’t harm your paint, the safest hands are still your own. When you wash your classic vehicle, be sure to use a mild soap, wash pads made out of microfiber and have a lot of clean towels by your side so you can dry and wash at the same time.

Refresh the fluids

Constantly refreshing the fluids will have a positive and prolonging effect on your vehicle’s performance. That said, you should give your vehicle an oil change for every 1000 miles you cross. While this might seem too frequent, especially compared to your regular car, the oil is like blood to your machine - keeping the oil fresh will extend the lifespan of your engine. Apart from that, you should regularly check the cooling, differential and transmission systems and keep them in prime shape.

Take it for a spin

To keep your machine in its prime you need to take it out for a ride at least once per month. Keeping it locked away for too long will make the seals dry, which can cause a wave of related internal problems. If the weather is not on your side, run the engine for around 15 minutes to stir the oil and take care of potential buildups. As soon as the storms pass, take the vehicle for a ride at least once or twice a month.

Belts and Hoses need constant maintenance

Try to check your hoses and belts every time you are changing the oil in your vehicle. These parts are easily damaged and require constant checkups. A bad belt can ripple throughout the machine and impact the performance of the entire vehicle. The average time you will have to replace these parts is around once every five years.

Check the Cooling System

Your old-timer is just like an elderly person and as years go by various problems will begin to emerge. As a vehicle gets older there’s an increased risk that the cooling system will develop some problems. Regularly check the core, head gasket, radiator, core plugs and related components for any signs of a leak. If your vehicle keeps overheating and you are sure that there are no leaks, maybe the thermostat needs replacing instead.

Looking for Professional Classic Car Service in Orange County?

Chimera Motors offers service and repairs to classic cars in Orange County. Our experienced mechanics will provide the ultimate maintenance for your prized classic car, and are here for any questions you might have on how to keep it safe and running for a long time to come.

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